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Why Onset Works


The Onset Mixing Pen is a high-precision dispensing device used to mix two solutions together. Once assembled, the Mixing Pen enables the precise transfer of fluid from the 3 mL cartridge of Sodium Bicarbonate into a standard 1.8 mL cartridge of local anesthetic, allowing the two solutions to be mixed.

The buffering process is simple: load a standard cartridge of local anesthetic into the Onset Cartridge Connector end of the Mixing Pen and lock it into place, then dial the pen dosing mechanism to “9” (.09 mL), and depress the center of the dispensing button all the way to “0.” This process allows the two solutions to be mixed in approximately 3 seconds.




Once the cartridge of local anesthetic is buffered, remove it from the Mixing Pen by unlocking the Cartridge Connector and pulling the mixed cartridge of local anesthetic straight out. Immediately load the buffered cartridge of local anesthetic into your dental syringe. 



Using your syringe and your technique, administer the buffered cartridge of local anesthetic to your patient within one minute of buffering for best results.